Welcome to
onebite Social

onebite Social 是一個香港註冊的非牟利機構。

onebite Social is a community-empowering initiative by onebite, advocating a community-driven and human-centric approach to our city and space, and reimagining a sustainable urban life. We curate and organise social creative activations and programmes that reconnect urban space, design and community, reimagining the relationships between city spaces and development. We empower and connect enthusiasts across disciplines, foster collaborative partnerships with the hopes of building a resilient community collectively. onebite Social is a registered charity in Hong Kong.




We are all about experimenting with new ideas in the community via space and design. By taking the pioneering and sometimes scary step to experiment with something unfamiliar in the city collaboratively, we hope the experiments serve as catalysts that initiate new ways of enjoying urban spaces, and inspire imaginations of how they can be used creatively to build and strengthen resilience of surrounding communities.



We can only go far collectively. After almost ten years of trial and error, we have created methodologies, learnt and distilled insights that we want to share and exchange with any enthusiasts who wish to make our communities a better place.



Our learning never stops, we wish to convene with other practitioners devoted to the field, co-learn, produce knowledge, and become companions in this journey of place-making and -changing so that we can grow into a healthy ecosystem that pushes wide-scale positive changes.

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自2023年起,onebite Social根據稅務條例第88條正式成為註冊慈善機構。你的慷慨支持對我們來說至關重要,讓團隊可以致力發展社區項目。

Since 2023, onebite Social is officially a registered charity under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. As we work relentlessly on our social projects, your generous support will mean the world to us!

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