Thank you for coming on a rainy afternoon! Merci Beaucoup!

Though last Sunday was having a number of showers, it did not stop our dearest friends to come and join us for our 1st Open Day!

It has been a year since our studio launched, we were so delighted to discuss with all of you about the projects we have encountered and the coming challenges ahead! You couldn't miss the table of edible city. Carefully selected savoury and sweets were presented for all guests to enjoy. Of course, it was our launching of the Plumy Raspberry Space Museum jelly basket! A taste of sweet raspberry and light sour plum is a perfect snack for tea!

Wish you all a delicious year! 

Yours sincerely,
One Biters


Daily Flavour - Grassy Mint Sorbet


Wish you an incredibly delicious day!