Project House @1QRW 2.0
1 Queen’s Road West
Sheung Wan
配對社區需要及資源 Matching needs and resources
In the summer of 2023, Project House @1QRW turned the vacant streetfront shop at 1 Queen’s Road West into a pop-up community space for 7 weeks. We received overwhelming support and in 7 weeks, we welcomed nearly 2,000 kaifongs and participants, and organised over 100 events. Such intensive operation revealed a huge yearning for third space among kaifongs across age groups and backgrounds. Through our daily interaction and observation, we also had the opportunity to discover unmet needs and start discovering resources lying within the community. In addition to kaifongs’ positive response, the motivation behind the extension of Project House is an attempt to match community’s resources and needs.
新營運模式 New operation model
壹合2.0由onebite Social 策劃,主要夥拍明愛堅道社區中心。我們首要的期許,是打造一個上環街坊的聚腳點,讓大家能夠感到安心、自在地享用空間,共同重新想像第三空間的可能性。
Fortunately, with the support of Oxfam Hong Kong, Project House 2.0 is able to reopen in November 2023 and will operate until April next year. With Lion Rock Heritage Foundation’s discounted rent, we are abe to stay at the iconic historic tenement building at 1 Queen's Road West.
Project House 2.0 is curated by onebite Social, with our main partner Caritas Caine Road Community Centre. Our hope is to create a homey space where Sheung Wan’s residents can feel comfortable and at ease, reimagining the possibility of third space.
Community Co-living Room
星期一至四 上午10時至下午4時
Monday-Thursady 10am-4pm
A free space for all to rest, enjoy your lunch, take a breather, or simply chat and connect with fellow neighbours. An indoor public space with washroom, water machine and wifi.
恆常服務 Regular services
The biggest difference between 1.0 and 2.0 is that this edition won’t have a jampacked schedule. On the contrary, we will focus on regular activities and services, and are developing two exciting social experiments based on our experience from 1.0 - the Sheung Wan Sewing Squad and Community Nanny Team.
Holistic Wellbeing Station
星期一下午4時至6時:賽馬會「三房兩廳開檯食飯」社醫共生計劃 的專業團隊前來提供簡單身心健康檢查。
A range of activities caring for the holistic well-being of kaifongs. Monday 4-6pm: the professional team from Jockey Club Healthy Neighbourhood Kitchen Project provides simple physical and mental health checks
Tuesday 2-4pm: counsellor stations at Project House to offer free counselling services
Wednesday 2-3:30pm: take a break via the meditation sessions amidst the bustling urban life.
社區服務實驗 Social service experiments
Sheung Wan Sewing Squad
A team of mothers, retirees and elderly residing in the neighbourhood come together to form this Sheung Wan Sewing Squad, an opportunity for flexible employment and extra income, to upskill and reskill, and to meet like-minded sewing enthusiasts in the community, which is key to support circle formation. The Sewing Squad uses Project House as their workshop, and is working hard on their “Made in Sheung Wan” products and design of public experiential workshops.
Community Nanny Team
星期三、五 下午4時至7時
Wednesdays and Fridays 4-7pm
Matching the talents and needs of the community. The newly established Community Nanny Team comprises young-old and retirees living in Sheung Wan. They will be trained to provide childcare services for families who can use some help, allowing caretakers a much-needed break.
搭枱!Take Your Seat
我們從「壹合」學到空間多元的重要性。一個地方能夠為不同受眾帶來他們各自喜歡的活動,才真正具有歡迎性和包容性。在這個階段,除了onebite Social在壹合營運的的四個主要項目外,我們還希望將空間開放,讓你在其餘的時間舉辦活動。過嚟搭枱,共同將這個地方塑造成大家的社區空間。
One thing we learned from Project House @1QRW is the importance of diversity. A place is only welcoming and inclusive if it caters to a range of activities for different audiences. In addition to our four key programmes at the space, we want to open up the rest of the time slots for you to host activities. Take your seat in this space and let's create a feast for our community!
This Place Profile hopes to give you a quick snapshot of the neighbourhood (in case you don’t live around!) and some details of the space rentals.
自2023年起,onebite Social根據稅務條例第88條正式成為註冊慈善機構。你的慷慨支持對我們來說至關重要,讓團隊可以致力發展社區項目。
Since 2023, onebite Social is officially a registered charity under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. As we work relentlessly on our social projects, your generous support will mean the world to us!