Project House


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香港都市空間擠逼問題並不是新鮮事,嚴重性不容置疑;同時,城內的閒置空間卻比比皆是。另邊廂,本地組織提供各類型社區服務的空間有限,以致發展受到不同程度的限制,地區性的社區服務受眾因而未能增加。因此,One Bite Social一口舍群於2017年8月開始發起《壹屋計劃》邀請本港閒置店鋪提供臨時空間供有需要的團體使用,並透過生活化主題「衣、食、住、行、分享」及簡單的設計元素改造臨時空間以配合不同類型活動的需要,連結閒置空間及社區。


A Community On Street

Project House uses pop-up strategy to tackle the phenomenon of ground-level vacant shops and the social demand for community spaces, creating a win-win situation of which creates both commercial value for the landlord and social values for community development. It is a hub for NGO, Social Enterprise, Local Start-ups, Independent Groups and landlords to experiment their new ideas and outreach to the right audience. It is a hub for varieties to happen and for knowledge sharing. We believe advancement requires room for experiments, and Project House is the room. 

Two pilot events were held since Aug 2017 in Sham Shui Po and Wanchai. We took over two vacant shop spaces and did simple design transformation. More than 3000 participants have joined our programme over the 6-week, and we have worked together with more than 40 collaborating organisations in 2017.





I have vacant spaces



I want a space

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I want to help 

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I want to join



For the landlord, the programme can maximise exposure of their vacant shops, allowing them to explore more potential tenant and to also maintain visitors traffic to their shop. The events would also help liven the streets and districts that they were at.

Click here if you wish to provide us your space



For the local community groups/social enterprise/ start-ups, the programme allows them to further their potential in serving our local community with the additional space for their programme and activities. Shop spaces at street level also means that these groups can be exposed to a wider group of audience and to allow them testing their ideas and businesses at new districts.

Click here if you wish to join us.



For the local community groups/social enterprise/ start-ups, the programme allows them to further their potential in serving our local community with the additional space for their programme and activities. Shop spaces at street level also means that these groups can be exposed to a wider group of audience and to allow them testing their ideas and businesses at new districts.

Click here if you wish to join us.

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For the public, Project House enhance not only the local economic cycle of the street/district, but also with the extra foot traffic, it regenerates the street/district with a more vibrant street life and hence became an overall improvement for the community. It enhances the sense of community.




Type: Community Engagement
Location: Wanchai Hong Kong
Client: Private
Year: Nov-Dec 2017

According to the latest census, Wanchai is the richest district among 18 districts in Hong Kong. However, the stretch along Hennessy Road and Lockhart Road is probably the lowest income street of the district. Clusters of local construction materials shops, hardware shops and budget household good shops, how would this uniqueness of the demographics of Wanchai affects the use this temporary vacant space? After a few rounds of discussions with various local organisations, social enterprises and members of the community, the Project House in Wanchai has shown a different range of activities comparing to the first Project House in Shum Shui Po. After an open call for ideas, instead of being social service focused like Shum Shui Po, the activities at Wanchai Project House focuses more on topics related to ethical shopping, reduce consumption, sharing of resource for the community. Combining with the flexible design of An Objective 2.0 – a series of wooden cube devices, they creatively transform vacant shop spaces that meets the needs of the community activities that has been takenplace. The Wanchai Project House has been well received by the general public and the media that it was featured both at Commercial Radio and the special edition of the Pearl Report on the Christmas Day in 2017.



Project House at Sham Shui Po


Type: Community Engagement
Location: Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Client: Private
Year: 2017

Sham Shui Po was a former glorious heart of the city, where the old handcrafters and light industries were based at. With the relatively lower income demographics and deteriorating building conditions, this older part of the city neighbourhood has been in a downward spiral. Small businesses start to vacate the streets, existing community starts to disintegrate, the neighbourhood needs injecting new life into the derelict spaces. Meanwhile, there are many social welfare and community organisations in the district servicing the local communities in various ways – elderly and child-care, educational services and so on. All of them are currently running at their full capacities with various programme and services. Due to spatial limitation of their existing centres, they do not have sufficient spaces for future developments of their services, which is crucial in addressing the needs of Sham Shui Po community. Hence the creation of Project House – a matching programme for linking up temporary vacant spaces in Sham Shui Po with the local groups in need. Can we put the demand and supply together to create a win-win situation? With simple design elements, it facilitates a temporary transformation of space in order to adapt to the use of the community organisation. More than 1,500 people have visited Project House, and the event has been widely reported by various mainstream medias including HK01, Cable News and RTHK.


Our Story


善用空置店鋪空間 為社區注入新定義

「壹屋計劃」吉鋪+社區配對第二回: 灣仔軒尼詩道富德樓

-  香港吉鋪閒置率高,「壹屋」充當店鋪空間及本地組織的橋樑,連結閒置空間及社區

-  今年八月深水埗大南街實驗店反應熱烈,本月轉到灣仔軒尼詩道365號富德樓地舖繼續社區實現

(2017年11月17日,香港)香港都市空間擠逼問題並不是新鮮事,嚴重性不容置疑;同時,城內的閒置空間卻比比皆是。另邊廂,本地組織提供各類型社區服務的空間有限,以致發展受到不同程度的限制,地區性的社區服務受眾因而未能增加。因此,One Bite Social一口舍群發起《壹屋計劃》邀請本港閒置店鋪提供臨時空間供有需要的團體使用,並透過簡單的設計元素改造臨時空間以配合不同類型活動的需要,連結閒置空間及社區。《壹屋計劃》第一回活動已於2017 年8至9月份於深水埗舉行。第一回活動反應熱烈,有過千名街坊市民參與。活動以當區街坊需要為本,以衣食住行為主題。經過一輪媒體專訪報導,活動過後陸續收到各區地舖業主有意提供其地舖予本計劃作未來活動之用。

《壹屋計劃》第二回活動將於2017 年11月17至30日轉到灣仔軒尼詩道365號富德樓地舖舉行,逾十個地區組織及社企會輪流使用該鋪空間,以「衣食住行SHARE」為主題舉行不同的社區活動,輪流反轉富德樓吉鋪空間!

社區衣食住行方面,聖雅各福群會的Green Ladies & Green Little的二手衣服Pop-Up店將出售超低價的時尚服飾;土作坊將以優廉的價錢售賣本地出產的健康食物及生活用品;三聯書店的一屋好書活動將推廣閱讀文化。 龐一鳴的唔幫襯地產商的聖誕將出售一系列的本土生活用品,推廣本土小店及反思大財團主導的消費文化。

社區藝術活動方面,小豬工房會舉行藍染工作坊,教大家利用天然無毒的染料的傳統技巧染製布塊;藝想 St. James' Creation將由本地藝術家帶領一眾灣仔街坊及復康朋友畫出藝術牆壁;Winnie Ng 的戲劇治療工作坊以及Stella Mak 的瑜伽教室讓一眾灣仔街坊減減壓。

除了各種社區活動讓街坊參與之外,是次活動亦希望推廣社區分享的概念 - 聖雅各福群會 FOODCO將會設計食物回收及食物教育資訊裝置,讓市民捐出食物予有需要街坊;Green Little的童Fun換物市集及灣仔綜合家庭服務中心的Pop-Up兒童圖書館鼓勵家庭及兒童分享他們所擁有的;文具銀行亦會舉行文具回收計劃,讓灣仔市民捐出文具予其他學童;漁護署的動物朋友將舉行寵物領養及義賣活動。


#壹屋計劃 #projecthousehk



2017 年 11 月17日至2017年12月2日




聖雅各福群會 Green Ladies & Green Little

聖雅各福群會 FOODCO

聖雅各福群會 - 土作坊

聖雅各福群會復康服務 - 藝想






Winnie Ng

Stella Mak


One Bite Social 一口舍群
