身心療癒360 花療 覺察

身心療癒360 花療 覺察


9月16日 16 September 10:30am-12nn (免費活動 free activity)


身心本一體。身體往往反映了我們內在的狀態。以整全的理念:覺察身體感受、跟情緒做朋友、檢視自我的本質 …. 這些技巧,可以幫助解開身體和情緒的鎖結、恢復平衡、激發身心自愈。




What is 360∘Body-Mind Healing? Body and mind are inter-connected and cannot be separated. Our physical body is an expression of the inner state of being. With 360 holistic healing, we learn to observe body sensations, be-friend emotions and recognize our true nature with the support of energy flower remedy. These techniques help release blockages, restore balance and enable body-and-mind to naturally self-heal.

At this introductory workshop, we go beyond theory or intellectual understanding and focus on experiencing and practices.

You will learn to heal the body and calm the mind through specific body movements, breathing and awareness techniques. Not only can you apply the techniques on yourself, you can also help others, especially your loved ones, family and friends, regain physical and emotional well-being.

We welcome individuals and also couples to join this 1-of-its kind healing and bonding event.

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LIVO致力推動透過對身、心的覺察,提昇整體健康質素。並以熱忱和關愛, 提供能輔助個人成長的活動。
LIVO strives to promote mind-body-spirit wellness through developing awareness on both body and mind. With care and passion, we provide programs that facilitate personal growth and transformation.


Frances Tong 是一位整存療癒治療師,把能量花療結合在她的教學和治療中,有效並迅速的提升了自癒和轉化的速度。接受超過20年的瑜伽和禪修訓練,Frances 致力輔助學生認識和連繫他們內在的本質自性。
Frances Tong is a Holistic Health Therapist who incorporates vibrational medicine into her teaching and healing practice. Her classes and treatments incorporate energy flower essence that help expedite one's self-healing and transformation.  As a Certified Yoga Teacher who has practiced yoga and meditation for over 20 years, Frances aspires to help students recognize and connect with their divine nature within.