夜話:相隔30年點傾好——「不如問阿婆」放映加分享會 Night talk: 30 years apart —— the art of communicating with each other Ask Granny screening and sharing session

夜話:相隔30年點傾好——「不如問阿婆」放映加分享會 Night talk: 30 years apart —— the art of communicating with each other Ask Granny screening and sharing session


8月18日 18 August 7:30-9pm (自由定價, free pricing, conducted in Cantonese)

年齡相隔30年,點樣溝通好?阿媽唔知仔女諗咩,做仔女嘅唔知同阿爸阿媽有咩傾,兩代溝通有冇計?我哋早前訪問咗20位長者關於人生、關係嘅睇法,到時會放映一條精華短片,並邀請片入面其中兩位granny,以及香港華人基督教聯會廣蔭頤養院(綜合安老服務) ——結合農務、藝術與生命教育的跨代共融計劃「一屋正菜」項目經理 Lisa,一齊傾吓兩代之間點樣溝通。

講者:Granny May、Gary,以及香港華人基督教聯會廣蔭頤養院(綜合安老服務) —結合農務、藝術與生命教育的跨代共融計劃「一屋正菜」項目經理 Lisa

How do we communicate with a 30-year age gap? Can we find a solution for intergenerational communication? We interviewed 20 seniors regarding their views on life and relationships. We will be screening an excerpt of it, and invite two of the grannies, and Lis, programme manager of an intergeneration project at The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches UnionKwong Yum Care Home (Integrated Aged Care Service) to chat about intergenerational communication.

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活動主辦單位 Organiser

成立於2016年,老正工作室是香港首間銀髮模特兒及市場推廣公司。近年積極策劃長者相關創意及社區藝術計劃,包括「不如問阿婆」社區藝術項目及「快樂回憶修復館」舊相修復及攝影項目。盼通過銀髮模特兒及社區藝術項目,以創新手法推動積極樂頤年(Active ageing),並創造不一樣的場景和條件鼓勵更多跨世代溝通。

Established in 2016, OHH Dear Communications (老正工作室) is Hong Kong's first and only "Silver-aged" (Senior) model and marketing agency. In light of social innovation, through “Silver-aged” models and community art projects, OHH Dear aims to cultivate a positive image and attitude for active ageing, and create unconventional scenarios and conditions to encourage communications across generations.

In recent years, OHH Dear embarked our journey on creative initiatives and community art projects related to seniors, including “Ask Granny” community art project and “Joyful Studio” old photo retouch and photography project.