傾偈常餐:家和萬事傾 Pots of Dialogue: Chores Together

傾偈常餐:家和萬事傾 Pots of Dialogue: Chores Together


8月8及29日 8 & 29 August 7-8:30pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)

家務都有得傾餐飽?和平世代呈獻最新傾偈活動,今次與特別關注性別議題嘅 Mascstory 携手合作,一齊傾吓屋企入面嘅分工,而性別角色可能產生咩矛盾同張力出嚟! 點樣分配家務先叫公平?日常生活中,因為家務而起嘅衝突好常見,影響同一屋簷下嘅關係。除咗掃地、洗碗、執頭髮至照顧年老或年幼家人等事務,仲要留時間俾大家都好好休息,背後反映咗唔同需要。團隊將透過家務分配紙牌遊戲,等大家打開對話,拉闊一步以衝突分析嘅眼光,了解社會塑造咗點嘅性別角色同期望,嘗試突破固有印象,好好溝通。

Let’s put chores in the spotlight! Chores can be the most mundane things, but they can also be a trigger for conflicts in our daily lives. Peace Generation presents the latest dialogue event, co-creating with a gender-awareness group, Mascstory. The team will use card games and interactive exercises to open up dialogue, touching upon the sharing of space and responsibilities within a household. We explore how gender roles may bring tension to relationship dynamics. Not only is there a stockpile of dishes waiting to be washed, but together we will look at everyday-conflicts through a peace lens.

Dates 日期:
報名 Register

Intended Participant: Participants sharing living space with another person(s)

Language: Cantonese

活動主辦單位 Organisers

男•易•啟齒 是一個由學生領導的社團,旨在探索男性氣質如何塑造出人的行為舉止,以及我們應該如何通過重塑男性氣質和突破父權制度來更真實地表達自己。 目前,男•易•啟齒 有7名成員,分別來自3所不同的本地大學。 我們有著多元背景,如不同的出生地(香港/內地)和性取向(異性戀/LGBTQ+)。 我們的目標是通過共同學習、每周發表文章、社區外展專案和分享他人的故事來實現我們的目標。
Mascstory is a student-led society that aims to explore how people are shaped by masculinity, and how we can express ourselves more authentically by reshaping masculinity and breaking through patriarchy. Currently, Mascstory has 7 members who come from 3 different local universities. We also have diverse backgrounds, such as different places of birth (HK / Mainland) and sexual orientation (Straight / LGBTQ+). We aim to pursue our goals by co-learning and publishing essays weekly, community outreach projects and sharing other people’s stories.

和平世代 Peace Generation 我們的願景是在香港建立持續和平的文化(a culture of sustainable peace)。 自二零二零年成立以來,和平世代透過社區及校園内外教育工作,向大衆推廣和平及衝突學。由理論傾到貼地實踐,旨在跟大家一起思考衝突本質,嘗試實驗和平的不同面向,及和平在動盪時代的無限可能。和平世代是在香港扎根的慈善機構。
Since 2020, Peace Generation has been working towards a culture of sustainable peace in Hong Kong through education in peace and conflict studies and promotion of conflict management, resolution and transformation. We engage with secondary schools to enhance understanding and handling of conflict; explore with university students the meaning of peace for our city; and test peacebuilding actions in engagements with members of the public. Peace Generation Limited is a charitable organisation rooted in Hong Kong.