《空目》放映及分享 Screening and Sharing

《空目》放映及分享 Screening and Sharing


8月12日 12 August 7:30-9:30pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)

《空目》微電影以都市戀人故事,帶我們走進色盲人士的世界。放映後會有製作單位The Bards說書人以及非營利組織Beyond Visions Project作分享及討論。

The microfilm "Sorame" takes us into the world of colour blindness via a love story in our urban realm. After the screening, the producer The Bards and NGO Beyond Visions Project will share and discuss their works with the audience post-screening.

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第三屆「Ad x Pub 香港初創數碼廣告企業X出版宣傳支援計劃」,The Bards Limited為非凡出版出版、吳思揚撰寫的《誌同道合──香港標牌探索》所製作的微電影《空目》。將《誌同道合》書中提及的一些標牌冷知識製作成一對年輕小情侶的愛情故事之中。故事一連兩集,採用了紅外線攝影拍攝,呈現出一個別具日本文青風的愛情世界。

活動主辦單位 Organisers

說書人有限公司 由一班在傳媒及數碼營銷行業默默耕耘多年的多媒體工作者組成,當中包括專業的文案創作者、記者、編輯、攝影師、編劇、書籍作者、翻譯和多媒體製作人。我們各有所長,擅於運用對身邊人與事的觸覺與靈動,以不同的媒體形式,說好每個故事,感染他人,並與客戶一起共創,迸發內容策展的力量,共建美好的社區和未來。 我們都是說書人,讓我們活用圖文與影像,細說你的故事。

The Bards Limited We are a team of experienced media and marketing specialists using our unique skill sets, human touch, agility, and sensibilities to tell the stories of others in different media forms. At The Bards, you can find professional copywriters, journalists, editors, photographers, screenwriters, publishers, translators, and video producers who are experienced in producing inspiring content to co-curate with customers to unleash the power of content and co-work to build a better future and community. We are The Bards. Let us tell your story, leveraging the power of content.

Beyond Vision Projects/ Beyond Vision International (BVP/ BVI) 是一個非營利組織,旨在提高視障人士的生活質量。我們相信,獲取藝術和文化的視覺資訊是一項普世的人權。我們通過創新的工具、培訓和增進體驗,致力為視障人士提供獲取視覺資訊的機會,使他們能夠積極參與藝術和文化,激發其創造力和學習興趣。

Beyond Vision Projects (BVP) / Beyond Vision International (BVI) is a not-for-profit organization that aims to enhance the quality of life of the visually impaired by enabling them to actively participate in the arts and culture, and stimulate their creativity and learning. We believe that access to visual information in Arts and Culture is a universal human right. We do this by providing access to visual information through innovative tools, training and empowering experiences.