敢「觸」自然項目紀錄片放映及訪談—《13%的大千世界》Beyond Nature Project Documentary Screening and Sharing – “13% of Boundless Nature”

敢「觸」自然項目紀錄片放映及訪談—《13%的大千世界》Beyond Nature Project Documentary Screening and Sharing – “13% of Boundless Nature”


免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese
9月13日 13 September 7-9pm
口述影像版 9月16日 16 September 2-4:30pm (此放映適合視障人士觀賞)


「敢『觸』自然」是一個旨在探索視障人士在大自然中無限可能的項目。紀錄片講述了4位視障學員於 2021 年底參加生態導賞培訓的故事。 他們以不同視力程度,探索最適合自身的非視覺主導方式認識大自然。片中記錄了他們的學習歷程以及克服當中挑戰的過程。從事導賞員對他們來說是一個全新體驗,他們也分享了踏上此旅途時的想法和感受。


講者:視障導賞大使 Max Lam, Carol Tsang, Beyond Vision International

Can you imagine how Visually Impaired learn and become a Tour Guide?

The documentary presented by BVI features stories from the Beyond Nature Project, a project that explores the endless possibilities of the Visually Impaired in nature.

The film follows the stories of four visually impaired trainees who participated in the Eco- Guide Training program in late 2021. The trainees, with varying levels of sight, discovered new ways to experience and appreciate nature through non-visual senses. The documentary captures their learning journey, including the challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

Becoming a tour guide represented a significant shift from the trainees' previous working experiences. They also shared their thoughts and emotions about embarking on this new journey. 2 of the BVI’s VI ambassadors are invited to share more back stories of their journey in Beyond Nature Project in the Sharing session. BVI will also share the Tactile Learning Materials with the community.

Video Duration: 24 mins
Language: Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles
Speakers: VI ambassador – Max Lam, Carol Tsang, Beyond Vision International

預告 Trailer: https://youtu.be/anLBKIsQ0RY

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Beyond Vision Projects/ Beyond Vision International (BVP/ BVI) 是一個非營利組織,旨在提高視障人士的生活質量。我們相信,獲取藝術和文化的視覺資訊是一項普世的人權。我們通過創新的工具、培訓和增進體驗,致力為視障人士提供獲取視覺資訊的機會,使他們能夠積極參與藝術和文化,激發其創造力和學習興趣。

Beyond Vision Projects (BVP) / Beyond Vision International (BVI) is a not-for-profit organization that aims to enhance the quality of life of the visually impaired by enabling them to actively participate in the arts and culture, and stimulate their creativity and learning. We believe that access to visual information in Arts and Culture is a universal human right. We do this by providing access to visual information through innovative tools, training and empowering experiences.