| 本地製作 .打開對話 .連繫社區 |
Story of UNBOX
放開框架、卸下定律,為自己、為身邊人帶來一個新的對話機會。成長帶來的欲言又止,只有放膽提問、溝通,才能突破隔膜。UNBOX 為一系列對話咭 (Conversation Cards),由你出發,為你製造踏出comfort zone的時刻,重新探索自己。
At UNBOX, we want to bring you the braveness to tap into the unknown and explore a greater self, community and the world. That’s why we create a set of conversation cards that sets a comfortable occasion for you to step out of your comfort zone and question anything. After all, questioning is the new attitude for self-care.
Why UNBOX Kidulthood?
UNBOX Kidulthood 由多個本地創意團隊合作聯乘,以「Ignite your SELF again」為理念,設計出新系列對話咭,配以黑胡桃木木盒,透過盒身的圓月通花透現小夜光。盒中盛載著「一」「團」月餅、有機高山茶,以及對話咭。月餅和有機高山茶由本地小店炮製,讓你和身邊人可以一邊享用本地美饌,一邊以對話卡尋回初心。
今次企劃特別夥拍本地非牟利組織「Teen’s Key Hong Kong 青躍」,以同行者角色,與本地弱勢年輕女性一同探索自我價值、建立自我。每盒UNBOX Kidulthood 中秋特別版,扣除成本將撥捐予Teen’s Key,讓青少女們也可感受不一樣的節日陪伴。
‘Ignite your SELF again’, supplemented with our Mooncake Duet and Greek Mountain Tea, UNBOX Kidulthood brings you and your loved ones a night of true dialogue with our mid-autumn-limited set of conversation cards. With our locally-made walnut box, we wish to redefine reunion for you.
In this edition, as a partner of local NGO “Teen’s Key Hong Kong”, they are supporting young women to unleash their potential. We not only will financially support Teen’s Key, but also raise public awareness on the ups and downs of young women through our conversation cards.
#vulnerabilitycanbestrength #treasureyourself
Our Partners
What will you unbox?
對話咭 | Conversation Card Set by onebite
一團月餅 | The Mooncake Duet by A Fun Store
「一團」由 A Fun Store 精心炮製,寓意一團人相聚,分享秋分香甜時刻。備有奶皇麻糬和芝麻兩款味道。香滑的奶黃和濃郁的黑芝麻,糅合煙韌細軟的麻糬,讓你細嚐甜美溫柔的滋味。
奶皇麻糬月餅 50g x1 & 黑芝麻月餅 50g x1
希臘有機高山茶 | Organic Greek Mountain Tea by MoreTea續茶
希臘有機高山茶 7g x 1
本地手作胡桃木盒 | Walnut Box by onebite x Taozi Creates
今年中秋,給自己和親友,送上最圓滿的月光寶盒。由onebite和本地木匠 Taozi Creates 共同設計和製作,以黑胡桃木為主調,盒蓋配以橡木作月光形狀,盒身刻上圓月過程,透過盒內的 LED 小夜燈,讓你在漆黑的夜空,也可感受柔和月色。
UNBOX 胡桃木盒尺寸: 230mm x 100mm x 80mm
““UNBOX into the Unknown for curiosity, care and self-love.””
For English version, please contact us at social@onebitedesign.com