「上環製造」禮品包 “Made in Sheung Wan'' Gift Set

from HK$180.00
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onebite Social proudly presents our first  “Made in Sheung Wan'' gift set powered by Sheung Wan Sewing Squad and our fellow community partners. Each stitch and sew, together with our selection of tea, coffee bags and cookies, perfectly manifests the cultural exchange and synergy of everyday Sheung Wan. Wishing you a joyous Christmas filled with love, good health and prosperity.

「上環製造」禮品包內含:上環社區車衣隊升級再造布袋、兩包Barista Jam 咖啡掛耳包、祥興茶行「鐵羅漢」和「大紅袍」小茶包各一、iBakery雙重朱古力或朱古力腰果曲奇兩塊

布袋大小: 長 22厘米 x 闊 14.5-16厘米

Inside each “Made in Sheung Wan'' Gift Set: Sheung Wan Sewing Squad upcycled pouch, 2 Barista Jam Coffee Drip Bags, 2 Cheung Hing Tea Hong’s signature blend tea bags, 2 iBakery chocolate cookies

Pouch dimensions: Length 22cm x Width 14.5cm-16cm
Note: Our pouch uses upcycled sample fabrics, so each bag is unique, colours and materials of the fabrics vary. The products will be randomly sampled. The colours we pick this time are our festive series, including red, orange, yellow, purple and other colours.

Delivery: Pick up at Project House or delivery by SF Express, product will be available after 8 December
Project House’s address: G/F, 1 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan

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onebite Social proudly presents our first  “Made in Sheung Wan'' gift set powered by Sheung Wan Sewing Squad and our fellow community partners. Each stitch and sew, together with our selection of tea, coffee bags and cookies, perfectly manifests the cultural exchange and synergy of everyday Sheung Wan. Wishing you a joyous Christmas filled with love, good health and prosperity.

「上環製造」禮品包內含:上環社區車衣隊升級再造布袋、兩包Barista Jam 咖啡掛耳包、祥興茶行「鐵羅漢」和「大紅袍」小茶包各一、iBakery雙重朱古力或朱古力腰果曲奇兩塊

布袋大小: 長 22厘米 x 闊 14.5-16厘米

Inside each “Made in Sheung Wan'' Gift Set: Sheung Wan Sewing Squad upcycled pouch, 2 Barista Jam Coffee Drip Bags, 2 Cheung Hing Tea Hong’s signature blend tea bags, 2 iBakery chocolate cookies

Pouch dimensions: Length 22cm x Width 14.5cm-16cm
Note: Our pouch uses upcycled sample fabrics, so each bag is unique, colours and materials of the fabrics vary. The products will be randomly sampled. The colours we pick this time are our festive series, including red, orange, yellow, purple and other colours.

Delivery: Pick up at Project House or delivery by SF Express, product will be available after 8 December
Project House’s address: G/F, 1 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan


onebite Social proudly presents our first  “Made in Sheung Wan'' gift set powered by Sheung Wan Sewing Squad and our fellow community partners. Each stitch and sew, together with our selection of tea, coffee bags and cookies, perfectly manifests the cultural exchange and synergy of everyday Sheung Wan. Wishing you a joyous Christmas filled with love, good health and prosperity.

「上環製造」禮品包內含:上環社區車衣隊升級再造布袋、兩包Barista Jam 咖啡掛耳包、祥興茶行「鐵羅漢」和「大紅袍」小茶包各一、iBakery雙重朱古力或朱古力腰果曲奇兩塊

布袋大小: 長 22厘米 x 闊 14.5-16厘米

Inside each “Made in Sheung Wan'' Gift Set: Sheung Wan Sewing Squad upcycled pouch, 2 Barista Jam Coffee Drip Bags, 2 Cheung Hing Tea Hong’s signature blend tea bags, 2 iBakery chocolate cookies

Pouch dimensions: Length 22cm x Width 14.5cm-16cm
Note: Our pouch uses upcycled sample fabrics, so each bag is unique, colours and materials of the fabrics vary. The products will be randomly sampled. The colours we pick this time are our festive series, including red, orange, yellow, purple and other colours.

Delivery: Pick up at Project House or delivery by SF Express, product will be available after 8 December
Project House’s address: G/F, 1 Queen’s Road West, Sheung Wan

車衣製作 Sewn by

上環社區車衣隊 Sheung Wan Sewing Squad 


A team of mothers, retirees and elderly residing in the neighbourhood came together to form this Sheung Wan Sewing Squad, an opportunity for flexible employment and extra income, to upskill and reskill, and to meet like-minded sewing enthusiasts in the community, which is key to support circles’ formation. The Sewing Squad uses Project House as their workshop, and is working hard on their “Made in Sheung Wan” products and design of public workshops.

布料贊助 Fabric Sponsored by Kvadrat 

布料由座落東街的Kvadrat 提供,均是廢棄的款式及樣板 。Kvadrat 1968 年於丹麥創立,匯粹北歐的設計傳統。作為創新設計行業的領導者,Kvadrat 為建築師、設計師及個人消費者供應優質現代紡織及布料製品,體現對色彩、質量、可持續性和簡潔性的承諾,並與頂尖設計師、建築師和藝術家合作,不斷推展紡織品的美學、技術和功能特性。

Fabric is sponsored Kvadrat, with their show room set up in Sheung Wan at Tung Street. All fabric are waste from samples and discontinued styles. Kvadrat was established in Denmark in 1968 and has deep roots in Scandinavia’s world-famous design tradition. As a leader in design innovation, Kvadrat produces quality contemporary textiles and textile-related products for architects, designers and private consumers across the world. Their products reflect a commitment to colour, quality, sustainability and simplicity, collaborating with leading designers, architects and artists, consistently pushing the aesthetic, technological and functional properties of textiles.

聖誕曲奇 Christmas Cookies by iBakery

iBakery 成立於 2010 年,是東華三院屬下社會企業,設有自家烘焙工場、麵包店、曲奇專賣店、餐廳及輕食站,十間分店聘用超過 120 名僱員,當中超過一半為殘疾人士,希望將美味傳開,做到可持續發展。縱有不同能力,卻有同一份真誠,同一顆熱心。即使是小小一口美味,都要盡最大努力,做出小小的不同,讓人人都嚐到不一樣的滿足,更讓人人都樂意為社會帶來改變。

iBakery is a social enterprise under the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. With lines of baking factories, bakeries, cookie shops, restaurants and snack kiosks, they offer people with disabilities training and career opportunities, and provide healthy and delicious catering options to the community. Regardless of skill levels and backgrounds, they serve with a heart to share little bites of happiness with all, hoping to make a difference in our society.

傳統茶包 Traditional Chinese Tea by 祥興茶行Cheung Hing Tea Hong

至今逾 80 年歷史的祥興茶行已經歷三代,是一間歷史悠久的茶行。祥興的自家品牌「鐵羅漢」和「大紅袍」由師傅細心慢焙,茶香甘醇,濃飲而不苦澀,喉口回甘,是茶客的首選。祥興不但出品質優,包裝亦見特色,每一個小包的茶是由人手用紙包裝,方便茶客一包一沖。

Long-established over 80 years, Cheung Hing has passed its tea legacy down to three generations. Delicately roasted by tea masters, Cheung Hing house blends "Tie Luo Han" and "Da Hong Pao" deliver a rich and mellow taste that is neither bitter nor astringent. With its sweet aftertaste, it is the preferred choice for tea connoisseurs. Its distinctive hand-wrapped packaging makes it convenient for drinkers to enjoy one brew at a time.

咖啡掛耳包 Coffee Drip Bags by Barista Jam

精品咖啡店 Barista Jam 於 2010 年開業,現已迎來 13 個年頭,提供手沖、意式咖啡、主食、輕食。店主親自挑選及烘焙不同產地和種類的精品咖啡豆,為客人帶來細緻而又多變的味覺衝擊。Barista Jam 亦售賣各式咖啡用具,是店主從各國搜羅所得,從手沖器具、虹吸、法式壓壼、磨豆機至意式咖啡器具應有盡有,絕對是咖啡愛好者的尋寶勝地。

Barista Jam has been an old-time favourite among the gourmet coffee shops in Sheung Wan since 2010, serving a range of hand-drip coffee, Italian coffee, main dishes, and light snacks. Home to a variety of single-origin beans and house blends, it brings delicate and ever-changing tasting experiences to customers. Barista Jam sells all kinds of hand brewing equipment, siphons, French presses, coffee grinders, and Italian coffee utensils sourced globally by the owner - truly a treasure island for coffee enthusiasts.