8月7日至20日 7-20 August 11am-9pm
Through brushstrokes and colours, each painting presents the vibrant life stories of the elders. This art exhibition will showcase elders from different backgrounds and life experiences. Their stories may be ordinary, but they are full of human touch and emotion. These paintings are not only a tribute to the elders, but also a compliment and gratitude to life.
活動主辦單位 Organisers
協辦:Rolling Books
Walk With Me is an innovative social enterprise that connects people from different social strata through the medium of painting and art. The name in Chinese means nonmainstream and embodies a spirit of innovation and adventure. The enterprise focuses on the difficulties and inner feelings faced by people of all ages, and hopes to use warm illustrations in picture books to give a voice to marginalized communities, raise public awareness, and achieve a mutually supportive and integrated community.
Rolling Books是推廣閱讀體驗的社會企業。我們透過靈活貼地的流動概念書⾞,將閱讀推廣的有趣點⼦,駛進⼩學校園並關愛社區。透過舉辦各式活動把閱讀樂趣轉化成真摰體驗,讓⼩朋友建立終⽣的閱讀習慣。我們也通過與各類型機構合作試驗創新的閱讀項⽬,推廣可持續發展的知識,擴⼤閱讀推廣的影響⼒,重新建造閱讀體驗的新形態。我們深信,閱讀除了為獲取知識、向上流動外,也能讓讀者學習⾯對獨處與提升抗逆⼒。 為兒童提供平等的⾃主閱讀機會亦是我們的⽬標之⼀,相關⼯作包括︰收集童書轉贈⾄基層家庭⼿中,為少數族裔兒童提供中⽂學習⽀援,甚⾄出版設有點字及⼝述影像的多感官繪本等。我們將繼續致⼒以不同的切入點,努⼒推動閱讀平等。
Rolling Books is a social enterprise to promote reading experience. With the concept of mobile pop-up libraries and events, we are bringing interactive and engaging reading activities to schools and caring communities, aiming to inspire children to seek their lifelong companionship with books. We partner with a diversity of organisations for innovation projects to promote reading accessibility and sustainable knowledge, aiming to connect a new generation of readers in the challenging digital age.