8月19-20日 19-20 August 12-6pm
主打本地好生活選物的七份一辦館,先後進駐了安所@土瓜灣 U PLACE及安所@深水埗,本周末,我們過海來到皇后大道西一號與街坊見面!七份一書店策展人的選書以外,Pop-up店繼續散發本土生活氣息,期間限定店為大家精心挑選好生活選物,包括有本地製作的特色社創、環境友善的低碳產品。
1.7store.hk focuses on promoting quality local lifestyle, and has opened branches in U PLACE To Kwa Wan and U PLACE Sham Shui Po. This weekend, we are coming across the harbour to meet the community at 1 Queen's Road West. In addition to the curated book selections by the 1.7book, our pop-up store will continue to showcase local lifestyle products. Our pop-up store will feature carefully selected items, including locally-made innovative and environmentally friendly low-carbon products.
活動主辦單位 Organiser
Rolling Books是推廣閱讀體驗的社會企業。我們透過靈活貼地的流動概念書⾞,將閱讀推廣的有趣點⼦,駛進⼩學校園並關愛社區。透過舉辦各式活動把閱讀樂趣轉化成真摰體驗,讓⼩朋友建立終⽣的閱讀習慣。我們也通過與各類型機構合作試驗創新的閱讀項⽬,推廣可持續發展的知識,擴⼤閱讀推廣的影響⼒,重新建造閱讀體驗的新形態。我們深信,閱讀除了為獲取知識、向上流動外,也能讓讀者學習⾯對獨處與提升抗逆⼒。 為兒童提供平等的⾃主閱讀機會亦是我們的⽬標之⼀,相關⼯作包括︰收集童書轉贈⾄基層家庭⼿中,為少數族裔兒童提供中⽂學習⽀援,甚⾄出版設有點字及⼝述影像的多感官繪本等。我們將繼續致⼒以不同的切入點,努⼒推動閱讀平等。
Rolling Books is a social enterprise to promote reading experience. With the concept of mobile pop-up libraries and events, we are bringing interactive and engaging reading activities to schools and caring communities, aiming to inspire children to seek their lifelong companionship with books. We partner with a diversity of organisations for innovation projects to promote reading accessibility and sustainable knowledge, aiming to connect a new generation of readers in the challenging digital age.