壹合 活動詳情
Project House @1QRW Programme
恆常活動 Everyday activities

Image by Nam Wu
社區咖啡店 Community Cafe
逢星期一至五 早上11點至下午2點
Monday to Friday 11am-2pm
由香港失明人協進會的會員和街坊駐場為大家沖咖啡泡茶!「原產地烘焙」的咖啡豆由年青企業All About Beans提供,咖啡店由社企so330提供指導。
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea expertly prepared by members of the Hong Kong Blind Union and our kaifong baristas. The coffee beans used in the beverages are sourced from start-up All About Beans, whose "origin roasted" beans provide a high-quality and flavorful experience. Social enterprise so330 is our cafe consultant.
上環角落 Sheungwanese Shelf
每日開放 Open daily
上環這個小社區臥虎藏龍,多間小店老鋪都扎根於此。「上環角落」帶來區內獨立書店見山及出版社MCCM Creations的書籍,亦會每星期介紹一間老店,讓大家重新認識這個社區。
Nestled within the charming community of Sheung Wan lies a treasure trove of hidden gems, including quaint shops and historic stores that have stood the test of time. "Sheungwanese Shelf" brings together a collection of books from the independent bookstore, Mount Zero, and the esteemed publishing house, MCCM Creations. Each week, the shelf offers a glimpse into the community's rich heritage by introducing an old store, encouraging all to rediscover the beauty of this neighbourhood.
展覽 《記:有記合 》Remember: Yau Kee Hap Exhibition
每日開放 Open daily
這次基地為Lion Rock Heritage Foundation 借出的皇后大道西壹號這幢三級歷史建築的地舖,前身是街坊熟悉的「有記合臘味家」。建於1920年代以前的戰前唐樓歷經上環變遷,不單是僅存的社區歷史的見證,更有機會連繫社區內深厚的歷史底蘊。「壹合」常設展覽,讓公眾能夠認識臨場好好認識這幢三級歷史建築。
Project House is located at the stunning Grade III historical building @ 1 Queen's Road West, generously provided by the Lion Rock Heritage Foundation. Formerly known as "Yau Kee Hap," this pre-war tonglau was constructed during the 1920s and has borne witness to the evolution of Sheung Wan. Not only does it serve as a testament to the community's rich history, but it also provides a unique opportunity to connect with the heritage embedded within the neighbourhood. This permanent exhibition offers a chance to learn about this Grade III building on-site.
每日開放 Open daily
歷 史 悠 久 貨 正 無 欺
六 十 餘 年 專 賣 正 嘢
Let’s co-create a unique embroidery map that celebrates Sheung Wan. Time tailor Toby Crispy has designed the map inspired by personal stories. Every guest can contribute to its creation by stitching together a portion of the embroidery. This collaborative effort transforms each participant into a witness of Project House.
Long history goods with honesty
Selling premium goods for 60+ years
16 characters, on the stone pillar in front of "Yau Kee Hap", could literally summarise Sheung Wan. The landscape of Chinese calligraphy on the street is mainly in Beiwei style. From the commonly used words, we can imagine the golden era of the stores. feel their admiration for the origin and vision for the future. Which ones can you recognize?
Growing from a small sapling on Upper Lascar Row, the old oak trees have been witnessing the connection between people and cats, the intimacy of neighbors and plants, the persistence of the older generation, and the stairs leading to the end. Just like the garment-making craftsmanship we were proud of, we can’t go back, but we can’t forget it.
Come sit down, pick up the needle and thread, and enjoy the simple and repetitive stitches to slowly settle your mind, and exchange memories. In the hot summer of 2023, let’s record the present and surviving goods in Sheung Wan on this recycled tablecloth from a Chinese restaurant.
活動報名 Programme registration
9月16日 16 September 10:30am-12nn (免費活動 free activity)
身心本一體。身體往往反映了我們內在的狀態。以整全的理念:覺察身體感受、跟情緒做朋友、檢視自我的本質 …. 這些技巧,可以幫助解開身體和情緒的鎖結、恢復平衡、激發身心自愈。
What is 360∘Body-Mind Healing? Body and mind are inter-connected and cannot be separated. Our physical body is an expression of the inner state of being. With 360 holistic healing, we learn to observe body sensations, be-friend emotions and recognize our true nature with the support of energy flower remedy. These techniques help release blockages, restore balance and enable body-and-mind to naturally self-heal.
At this introductory workshop, we go beyond theory or intellectual understanding and focus on experiencing and practices.
You will learn to heal the body and calm the mind through specific body movements, breathing and awareness techniques. Not only can you apply the techniques on yourself, you can also help others, especially your loved ones, family and friends, regain physical and emotional well-being.
We welcome individuals and also couples to join this 1-of-its kind healing and bonding event.
8月31日 31 August 7-9:30pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
是次工作坊將會讓參加者探索晚間的上環一帶,並以相片組成圖輯,從而練習如何以影像敍述故事與情感。導師將會分享一些有關城市拍攝的心得,以及過往在社交媒體編排簡單圖輯的經驗,亦會運用 Lightroom Mobile App 示範簡單的修圖教學。
* 請各位參加者在工作坊前下載 Lightroom Mobile App 手機版,以作即時練習之用。
9月1日 1 September 2:30-4pm
有科學研究指出,唱歌可以減壓。很多小朋友都喜歡聽歌,唱歌,但成長中,可能忘記了,或怕別人的批評和看法,變得害羞。 我們會通過熱身,喚醒身體和感官。在聲音和安靜中,細細聆聽,再讓自然的聲線去表達。不需完美的歌聲,感受聲音在身體的振動和迴響。
8月7、14、21、28日 7-10pm
8月5日 2-4pm 及 8月12日 3-5pm
電影沙龍: 開展社區對話透過電影欣賞活動連結社區,邀請街坊一同投入影像世界,並分享電影所帶來的啟迪。 是次放映的故事主角面對個人成長、社會、家庭關係等各方面的難題,觀眾可以藉著投入主角的世界,換轉角度探討不同的人生課題。不論電影的類型或風格如何,它都可以帶領觀眾更了解自己、了解別人,促進對話和交流。
7, 14, 21, 28 August 7-10pm
5 August 2-4pm & 12 August 3-5pm
Film Salon: Cultivating Community Dialogue aspires to connect the community through a shared journey in movies. Kaifongs / Participants will be invited to share their thoughts about the inspirations and magic of the big screen. The characters in this selection of movies are facing their respective difficulties in terms of personal growth, society, and family relationship, etc. Audience will be guided to adopt the lens of the characters, and re-examine various lessons in life with alternative perspectives. Regardless of the genre or style, what makes movies truly special is their ability to facilitate self-understanding and empathy, and thus to pave the way for dialogues and sharing.
免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese
9月13日 13 September 7-9pm
口述影像版 9月16日 16 September 2-4:30pm (此放映適合視障人士觀賞)
「敢『觸』自然」是一個旨在探索視障人士在大自然中無限可能的項目。紀錄片講述了4位視障學員於 2021 年底參加生態導賞培訓的故事。 他們以不同視力程度,探索最適合自身的非視覺主導方式認識大自然。片中記錄了他們的學習歷程以及克服當中挑戰的過程。從事導賞員對他們來說是一個全新體驗,他們也分享了踏上此旅途時的想法和感受。
講者:視障導賞大使 Max Lam, Carol Tsang, Beyond Vision International
Can you imagine how Visually Impaired learn and become a Tour Guide?
The documentary presented by BVI features stories from the Beyond Nature Project, a project that explores the endless possibilities of the Visually Impaired in nature.
The film follows the stories of four visually impaired trainees who participated in the Eco- Guide Training program in late 2021. The trainees, with varying levels of sight, discovered new ways to experience and appreciate nature through non-visual senses. The documentary captures their learning journey, including the challenges they faced and how they overcame them.
Becoming a tour guide represented a significant shift from the trainees' previous working experiences. They also shared their thoughts and emotions about embarking on this new journey. 2 of the BVI’s VI ambassadors are invited to share more back stories of their journey in Beyond Nature Project in the Sharing session. BVI will also share the Tactile Learning Materials with the community.
Video Duration: 24 mins
Language: Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles
Speakers: VI ambassador – Max Lam, Carol Tsang, Beyond Vision International
預告 Trailer: https://youtu.be/anLBKIsQ0RY
9月3日 3 September 1-2:30pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
★ 招牌字講解:由書法老師黃憬珩親自主講,揭開招牌字的歷史背景、演變和風格特點,讓您對這門藝術有更深入的認識。
★ 書法示範:書法老師現場示範模擬招牌字書寫,展現其技藝之精湛,讓您目睹書法的美妙與魅力。
★ 參加者書法體驗:您將有機會親自動筆,跟隨導師的指導,實踐招牌字書法技巧。感受墨香紙韻,親身體驗這種獨特的書寫方式。
★ 互動交流:與其他參加者分享心得,交流書法體驗,彼此激發靈感,創造無限可能。
8月8及29日 8 & 29 August 7-8:30pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
家務都有得傾餐飽?和平世代呈獻最新傾偈活動,今次與特別關注性別議題嘅 Mascstory 携手合作,一齊傾吓屋企入面嘅分工,而性別角色可能產生咩矛盾同張力出嚟! 點樣分配家務先叫公平?日常生活中,因為家務而起嘅衝突好常見,影響同一屋簷下嘅關係。除咗掃地、洗碗、執頭髮至照顧年老或年幼家人等事務,仲要留時間俾大家都好好休息,背後反映咗唔同需要。團隊將透過家務分配紙牌遊戲,等大家打開對話,拉闊一步以衝突分析嘅眼光,了解社會塑造咗點嘅性別角色同期望,嘗試突破固有印象,好好溝通。
Let’s put chores in the spotlight! Chores can be the most mundane things, but they can also be a trigger for conflicts in our daily lives. Peace Generation presents the latest dialogue event, co-creating with a gender-awareness group, Mascstory. The team will use card games and interactive exercises to open up dialogue, touching upon the sharing of space and responsibilities within a household. We explore how gender roles may bring tension to relationship dynamics. Not only is there a stockpile of dishes waiting to be washed, but together we will look at everyday-conflicts through a peace lens.
8月20日 20 August 6:30-8pm
9月3日 3 September 11am-12:30pm
由AIBlock提供STEM Cafe讓參加者可以不單可以親手做曲奇餅,還可以做曲奇餅機械人系列的電動打蛋器,同時可認識STEM各項原理並在嘗試中學習實踐。
STEM Cafe Provided by AIBlock, participants not only make cookies by themselves, but also make electric egg whisk of the cookie robot series. Also, the participants can understand the principles of STEM and learn through hands-on experimentation.
8月3、17、24日 3, 17, 24 August 7-9pm
精神健康其實影響我哋好多嘢,發聲清唔清楚,脾氣好唔好都關事!Spark Foundation連同友好聲綫導師仲有靜觀瑜伽導師為你帶來親身體驗,發掘身心靈微妙而重大嘅關連!常用聲嘅朋友,想知瑜伽、靜觀同輔導如何全方位提升你狀態嘅朋友,值得報名!
Mental health shows up in many aspects of everyday life. Did you know it can be related to voice projection and temperament? Our affiliated voice coach and mindfulness yoga trainer will reveal the linkages for you. Join us if you use your voice a lot, or if you want to strengthen your mental health all-round through yoga, mindfulness, and counselling!
8月16日 16 August 6:30-8pm
Photographer Vincent Yu will share with us why he initiated doing this photography research project on SKM Mei Ho House (now turned HK Youth Hostel) while he was a full-time photojournalist with Associated Press, covering major news events across the Asia-Pacific region since the mid-1980s.
Yu is an award-winning photographer whose works cover both the journalistic and documentary genre. His unique sensitivity towards the territory's ever-changing cityscape and living environment are often reflected through his images. He is the first Hong Kong photographer to have been recognised by World Press Photo and his works are being collected by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. He was the Chairman of the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association, and a founding member of the Hong Kong International Photo Festival. From 2010- 2012, he also operated The Upper Station Photo Gallery in Hong Kong.
8月18日 18 August 5-6pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
8月11及25日 11 & 25 August 6:30-10pm
Fringe Club 藝穗會串連各該音樂人為我們帶來兩場星期五晚的「壹屋音樂會」!
The Fringe Club has brought together various musicians to present two "Project Music House" on Friday evenings!
11 August
Session 1 1830-1930 Tina Yu +entonie
Session 2 1945-2045 Errol
Session 3 2100-2200 smiley
25 August
Session 1 1830-1930 行走MP3 陳嘉晞 張仕偉
Session 2 1945-2045 Tina Yu +entonie
Session 3 2100-2200 smiley +entonie
8月25日 2:30-4pm
8月18日 18 August 7:30-9pm (自由定價, free pricing, conducted in Cantonese)
年齡相隔30年,點樣溝通好?阿媽唔知仔女諗咩,做仔女嘅唔知同阿爸阿媽有咩傾,兩代溝通有冇計?我哋早前訪問咗20位長者關於人生、關係嘅睇法,到時會放映一條精華短片,並邀請片入面其中兩位granny,以及香港華人基督教聯會廣蔭頤養院(綜合安老服務) ——結合農務、藝術與生命教育的跨代共融計劃「一屋正菜」項目經理 Lisa,一齊傾吓兩代之間點樣溝通。
講者:Granny May、Gary,以及香港華人基督教聯會廣蔭頤養院(綜合安老服務) —結合農務、藝術與生命教育的跨代共融計劃「一屋正菜」項目經理 Lisa
How do we communicate with a 30-year age gap? Can we find a solution for intergenerational communication? We interviewed 20 seniors regarding their views on life and relationships. We will be screening an excerpt of it, and invite two of the grannies, and Lis, programme manager of an intergeneration project at The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches UnionKwong Yum Care Home (Integrated Aged Care Service) to chat about intergenerational communication.
8月16日 16 August 2-4pm (免費活動 free activity)
8月15日 15 August 7-9pm (免費活動, conducted in Cantonese)
歷久不會褪色、可塑性高、易清潔並能予人涼快之感,均為水磨石的特色。許多戰前樓宇的門匾、招牌、甚至整條樓梯連扶手都會用上水磨石飾面。但原來要製作水磨石並不容易,工序繁複,需要工匠的耐性及一雙巧手。 水磨石筆座工作坊讓參加者親手由混色加石米、注模、脫模至打磨完成製作水磨石筆座。
Terrazzo is a durable and versatile material that is crafted by mixing marble, granite, quartz, or glass chips into a cement or resin binder, resulting in a distinctive speckled appearance. During this workshop, participants will have the chance to mix their own coloured chips and incorporate them into a cement or resin mixture, creating a personalized terrazzo pen holder that suits their style. From moulding to polishing, participants will learn the techniques to bring their artistic vision to life and leave with a stunning and functional piece of art that they can proudly display.
7月29日 7-8:30pm 及 9月3日 2:30-4pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
8月19日 19 August 7-9:30pm (Conducted in Cantonese)
由黃浩然執導及編劇的《點對點》,在「壹合」處身的這棟三級歷史建築和上環這個舊社區播放實在適合不過!這次邀來《香港遺美——香港老店記錄》作者林曉敏主持,與嘉賓香港行跡共同創辦人(何文傑 James Ho , 林曉欣 Ebee Lam及聖雅各福群會We嘩藍屋計劃主任曾志雄和觀眾對談。
A Grade III historical building in Sheung Wan is probably the best place to screen Dot 2 Dot, a movie directed by Amos Why. We have invited the author and page founder of Hong Kong Reminiscence Hiuman to host the sharing, with guest speakers James Ho and Ebee Lam, co-founders of Historical Walk Hong Kong, and Hugo Tsang, Programme Manager of Viva Blue House, St. James’ Settlement.
8月19日 19 August 5-6pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
報名 RSVP:https://forms.gle/hGXseiuoXGX7wxM49
Rolling Books邀請故事大使來跟大家說故事!與你共讀《看不見的禮物》(獲得「香港出版雙年獎」)及《MeowMeow不見了!》,還會就故事內容延伸,和大家動動小手做手工,完成後的小手工作更可以帶回家!
故事講師:Miss Winki
Rolling Books has invited a storyteller to share some stories with everyone! We will be reading two children's picture books together: "The Invisible Gift" (winner of the "Hong Kong Publishing Biennial Award") and "MeowMeow is Missing!". We will also be extending the stories by doing some fun craft activities together. You can even take your finished craftwork home with you as a souvenir!
8月12日 12 August 10am-12nn
人際關係可以帶來喜悅同滋養。 通過靜觀及伸展練習,我們先回到呼吸,照顧自己,細聽身體。再延伸到人際中間,在群體支持下,體驗真誠分享,相互聆聽,陪伴
Interpersonal relationships can bring joy, but can also but an area of friction and unhappiness at times. While we can’t control the external environment and others, cultivating inner awareness may help loosen the knots in interpersonal relationships. Through mindfulness and gentle movement, we return to the breath and learn to listen to the body. Extending to the interpersonal space, we practice deep listening to and support from each other.
8月12日 12 August 7:30-9:30pm (免費活動 free activity, conducted in Cantonese)
《空目》微電影以都市戀人故事,帶我們走進色盲人士的世界。放映後會有製作單位The Bards說書人以及非營利組織Beyond Visions Project作分享及討論。
The microfilm "Sorame" takes us into the world of colour blindness via a love story in our urban realm. After the screening, the producer The Bards and NGO Beyond Visions Project will share and discuss their works with the audience post-screening.
8月5日 5 August 7-8:30pm
你有沒有試過坐下來寫寫詩、聽聽詩、讓音樂帶動你的思緒? 8月5日,故事人、詩人雄仔叔叔 (阮志雄) 和音樂人曾永曦及阿斌將於壹合Project House,以 詩歌朗讀、口風琴和手風琴即興演奏,與你一起喘息,讓藝術滋養心靈。
Sit down for moments Listen to poems Let your thoughts flow with music. On 5th August at the Project House, poetry reading and music improvisation with storyteller Uncle Hung (words), Wilson Tsang (words & melodica) and Ah Bunn (accordion).
7月29日及8月5日 29 July & 5 August 4-6pm (免費活動 free activity)
今天都市𥚃,我們都背負着種種包袱 - 上一輩的期望、互聯網的干擾、城市空間的壓迫、周遭的負能量 - 彷彿「我」也在萎縮。影片訪問了六位不同領域的人物,有心理學家、環保組織創辦人、創業家、靜觀導師、空間設計師、發明家。由他們帶領觀眾拋下嘅有想法,從而一起探索,只要學懂如何放下各種思維上的包袱,原來,我們每一個人都是創造者。
It is not hard to imagine the suffocation of our creativity this city, disturbed and bombarded with expectations of the older generation, interference of the Internet, oppression of urban space and all other negativity around. The film introduces six individuals – a psychologist, a campaign organizer, an entrepreneur, a mindfulness teacher, a spatial designer, and an inventor. The film presents a whirl through numerous ideas on creativity from how our mind works, to our obsessions and fears. It then explores the possibilities of what we can do to rediscover the creativity within ourselves.
7月29日 29 July 2-4pm (免費活動 free activity)
歷 史 悠 久 貨 正 無 欺
六 十 餘 年 專 賣 正 嘢
如果要揀一隻色嚟細味上環嘅唐樓時代,我會選擇綠色。 一齊嚟用回針回味再向前,慢慢刺繡上環地圖。
Long history goods with honesty
Selling premium goods for 60+ years
16 characters, on the stone pillar in front of "Yau Kee Hub", could literally summarise Sheung Wan. The landscape of Chinese calligraphy on the street is mainly in Beiwei style. From the commonly used words, we can imagine the golden era of the stores. feel their admiration for the origin and vision for the future. Which ones can you recognize?
Growing from a small sapling on Upper Lascar Row, the old oak trees have been witnessing the connection between people and cats, the intimacy of neighbors and plants, the persistence of the older generation, and the stairs leading to the end.
Just like the garment-making craftsmanship we were proud of, we can’t go back, but we can’t forget it. Come sit down, pick up the needle and thread, and enjoy the simple and repetitive stitches to slowly settle your mind, and exchange memories. In the hot summer of 2023, let’s record the present and surviving goods in Sheung Wan on this recycled tablecloth from a Chinese restaurant.
8月22日 22 August 7-9pm
我們每天都與陌生人擦肩而過。我們每天同坐一架巴士,一同排隊等候外賣,或在茶餐廳對桌。你有幾常跟這些陌生人交談或打招呼?你在意他們對你印象如何嗎?你相信他們會在緊急情況下幫助你嗎? 與陌生人交談是一場歷險,總可發現新事物與觀點,亦有助更了解自己。我們邀請您與陌生人搭檯,並準備一系列問題,讓您與同檯人傾餐飽,發掘與陌生人「傾」與「聽」的樂趣。
We cross paths with strangers everyday. They sway to the same rhythm as us on the bus, queue next to us for a takeaway, and sit across from us in a “cha chaan teng”. How often do you talk to these strangers or just to meet them in the eye? Do you care what impressions you give them? Do you trust them to help you in an emergency? Conversation with a stranger is an adventure, to discover stories and viewpoints, and to understand yourself better. It is a powerful way to build empathy and trust. We invite you to a meal where a menu of questions guide you to discover the joy of conversing with a stranger.
日期:9月16日 (星期六)
時間:第1節:10:00-12:30 // 第2節:15:00-17:30
説起上環這個社區,你會怎樣形容它?它除了是一個歷史悠久的社區,它亦是一個充滿鮮明對比的地方——新舊、中西和步伐等元素就如一杯鴛鴦一樣,和諧地融合爲一。今次我們有幸找來「香港老舖記錄冊」及資深導賞員麥潤生 (阿麥) 一同合辦上環導賞團,帶領大家深入認識上環社區,到訪小店,細味上環這一杯「鴛鴦」。
集合地點:有記合(上環皇后大道西壹號 )